Schematics & Description

Heaven and Earth Subsystems

When we began designing for a one-state-per-clock-cycle implementation for the microprocessor, we soon came to the realization that the main portion of the microprocessor could ignore the complex task of computing the program counter, the next instruction, and the clock massaging. It just looks at the current instruction and acts on it. It has "faith" that the instruction is correct. In theological terms, the instruction comes straight from "Heaven." Heaven also contributes the Divine Clock; this is the clock signal that drives "Earth"--the rest of the circuit.
There are two situations when Earth needs to give information to Heaven. These are called Prayers, and are discussed in detail below.

Heaven is the subsystem that magically generates the inputs to Earth. These inputs include the Divine Clock and the eight Instruction lines. Heaven also deals with "prayers"--lines from the Earth subsystem. There are two prayers--the Halt Prayer and the Branch Prayer

While Earth is conditioned primarily by the rising edge of the Divine Clock, much of Heaven is conditioned on the falling edge of the Divine Clock. This offset means that the eight lines for the instruction are being processed a half-cycle ahead of the time they are actually used. This is to guarantee that valid instructions exist by the time they're needed.

Heaven has two major subsystems:

The Clock Guidance Subsystem reconciles the clock input, the Go button, the Single-Step button, the Halt button, and the Halt Prayer into a single Divine Clock signal sent to the rest of the system.

The Halt Prayer Fulfillment Subsystem reconciles the Go button, the Halt button, and the Halt Prayer into a Halt Bit.

Finally, the Reduced Clock Circuitry reduces the clock input, the Single-Step button, and the Halt Bit into the Divine Clock signal.

A little explanation is in order here. Single-Step, if Halt is on, has its frequency divided by two (this will be explained later), then has inputs to two D FF's. The two D FF's are clocked by the clock input and the inverted clock input, respectively. The output of the two D FF's go into an XOR gate. What this means is that whenever the input to the D FF's changes, the output of the XOR gate goes high for half a clock cycle. Since our design is a one-state-per-instruction design, this performs a single step.
Now, the Single-Step frequency is divided by two because a clock pulse is output on each change of Single-Step; we only want a pulse on each rising edge of Single-Step.

The Instruction Sovereignty Subsystem ensures that valid, timely instructions are available for Earth by the time Earth expects them. This subsystem consists of two subsystems:

For input, the Program Counter Logic subsystem has the Divine Clock, the Reset button, the Branch Prayer, and the low four Instruction bits. The output is four lines for the Program Counter, and a Latch signal to catch the program counter.

If Reset is asserted, the Program Counter is set to zero.
If Branch Prayer is asserted, then the Program Counter is set to the low four bytes of the current instruction.
If neither Reset nor Branch Prayer are asserted, the Program Counter simply increments from its old value.
The Program Counter is latched on the falling edge of the Divine Clock. This is for two reasons:
It guarantees that the Instructions will be valid and stabilized by the rising edge of the clock (which is when the Instruction lines are latched for analysis by Earth).
It guarantees that the Program Counter logic only takes place once and there are no dependancies on propogation delays.

The Instruction Memory is a GAL with four inputs from the Program Counter. There are eight outputs which form the Instruction. Implementing Instruction Memory on a GAL enabled us to have the programs in a permanent form. Thus we didn't have to enter the programs each time we powered up the system. To enter another program we simply need to insert a different GAL. To program the GAL, we wrote a K-Map for each instruction line. Then we put the resulting logic into Orcad and programmed the GAL. It is likely that we could use bitmap notation to program Orcad. Furthermore, with a little work, we could write a precompiler that translates the
assembly language into an Orcad file.


The components of Earth include: The Instruction Latch catches the Instruction from Heaven and holds it conditioned on the rising edge of the Divine Clock. The two facts of (1) latching the Instruction and (2) a one-state machine implies that a physical Finite State Machine is redundant: rather than a state machine with controller outputs based on state variables, we can base controller outputs directly on the Instruction lines. Thus our Finite State Machine reduced to combinational logic.

The Earth Controller includes the combinational logic to control the rest of the circuit based on the Instruction. It controls the Switch Logic, the ALU, the Registers' Write Enable, the Carry Write Enable, and the Halt Prayer and Branch Prayer.

The Registers hold four separate four-bit registers. Read is always enabled. The Transparent Latch determines when the output from the Registers is passed through to the ALU.

The Carry Bit is used as input in various ALU and Branch instructions; it is set or reset as a result of all ALU commands.

The Transparent Latch connects the output of the Registers to the input of the ALU. While the Divine Clock is high, the Registers' output is passed directly to the input of the ALU. When the Divine Clock signal falls to zero volts, the current value of the Registers is latched. This is so new values coming into the Registers (which happens when the Divine Clock is low) don't get passed through into the ALU and thence to the Registers again, and again, and again...

The ALU performs all mathematical operations of the instruction. This includes addition of two Registers, subtraction of two Registers, and addition of one Register to Carry.
A look-ahead carry is implemented for improved performance.

The Switch Logic determines what is passed through to the Registers: ALU output or Toggle Switches. If the current Instruction is a Load instruction, the Switches are written into the Registers; if the current Instruction is an ALU instruction, the ALU output is written into the Registers.

Nuggets of knowledge gleaned along the way:

Go/Halt Hack
We noticed that the go button had a limitation: if the program was halted but the currently-executing command was not halt (ie, one or more Single-Steps had been process since the program halted), Go worked fine. However, if the currently-executing command was halt, Go did not work unless Single Step was pressed while Go was pressed. We did some analysis of the circuit to try to find out why this behavior occurred. It turned out that the Halt Prayer turned on the Halt Bit; when the Go button was pressed, the Halt Bit was turned off, but since the Halt command was still being executed, the Halt Prayer was still asserted and the Halt Bit was continually being set. We came to the conclusion that faking out the circuit was easier than fixing the problem. We set it up so if Go was pressed, it also faked a Single Step. This fixed the problem.
We found a ShareWare Mac program called DigSim while sightseeing on the Information Highway (Internet) that let us simulate simple combinational circuits and analyze intermediate values. It also let us do some rudimentary timing analysis and logic analysis. We tested our Reduced Clock Circuitry using DigSim and could work out the kinks much faster than plugging wires--even faster than working it out on paper.
Here is a sample picture of the use of DigSim:
